torsdag 13 september 2007

Going to the construction material warehouse.

It’s been a couple of days since I posted something on the blog. Mostly due to another project I had to do in between but I’ve also been spending time in my new workshop that the landlord lent me for the project! Hurray for the best landlord ever! It’s just a couple of floors down but I don’t have internet there. Good for the dolphin project but bad for youtube. But don’t you worry youtube, I’ll make it up to you by posting some videos later.

Anyhow I lent a car from a friend and went shopping for material. First I filled the tank and then the silly gps guided me down into some tunnels and lost contact with gps… It was really crowded in the tunnel and the traffic was completely still because of some construction work. The Gps freaked out and showed me driving randomly inside houses narrated by a bad Homer Simpson copy even though I stood completely still. I was trapped in traffic for about an hour and a half and the warehouse almost closed before I could arrive. But I made it in time! So here are some pictures;

The new Workshop! Thanks supergreat landlord.Thanks Kalle S for the car!So much PolystyrenePolystyrene inside workshop, mission accomplished!

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